Local Sacramento self made entrepreneur, business man, retired Personal Chef
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Social networking will always be in our life. Get on top of it!
1. The era of social relationships: Beginning in the mid-1990s, people signed up for online profiles and connected with their friends to share information.
2. The era of social functionality: As it exists today, social networking is more than just a platform for "friending," but one that can support a broader array of what Owyang calls "social interactive applications." However, identities are essentially disconnected silos within individual sites.
3. The era of social colonization: By late 2009, technologies such as OpenID and Facebook Connect will begin to break down the barriers of social networks and allow individuals to integrate their social connections as part of their online experience, blurring the lines between networks and traditional sites.
4. The era of social context: In 2010, sites will begin to recognize personal identities and social relationships to deliver customized online experiences. Social networks will become the "base of operation for everyone's online experiences."
5. The era of social commerce: In approximately two years, social networks will be more powerful than corporate Web sites and CRM systems, as individual identities and relationships are built on this platform. Brands will serve community interests and grow based on community advocacy as users continue to drive innovation in this direction.
Visit: http://walibu.com
Content from Site: http://destinationcrm.com/
Does your business even know what SEO stands for ?
Search engine optimized web site - Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume of traffic your web site
Blog - free blog publishing tool's will allow you to easily share your thoughts with the world. Write key word heavy content often Its made very simple to post text, photos and video.
Email - E-Mail Marketing still has importance in this e-economy if you know how to do it.
Articles - Articles have some of the best SERP's you can find.
Videos - Video marketing is coming up in the world of off page optimization
social marketing technologies - Cross channel promoting businesses through multiple profiles can be rewarding if you do it correctly.
You can teach your self how to do all the off page optimization you want but if you do not know programming there is no way you can have a top SEO results.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
MOJO pages ....... User based directory ??? Good or bad ?

MojoPages is a new user review site that launched last week. It's similar to Yelp, but MojoPages users can post video clips and pictures to individual reviews about restaurants and local attractions.
In addition to offering a free-form template to create your written masterpiece, MojoPages gives you a form on which you can rate each establishment's value, service, and quality--things often mentioned in a well-written review.
One of the other standouts of MojoPages is the implementation of user photos. Instead of just uploading photos to an establishment's profile page, you can add them to each review. This might come in handy if you find a cockroach in your bowl of soup or want to include a photo of a signature dish you ate. The use of photos lets you narrate your reviews a little better and encourages you to come back and add another review if you try something different. This could be very handy with restaurants and hotels, as the quality can differ among dishes or rooms.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Your business is "losing out" if your not on twitter.. Folsom seo (916)370-5905 Brenan Greene
Here is a great example of social media at work for your company. Get someone that knows what they are doing weather its Brenan Greene (916) 370 -5905, or anyone else.
FOLSOM seo Simplicity: This is Twitter’s greatest asset. It has been said by many that it is Facebook without all the noise. Twitter is simply a website that enables you to write a 140 character message to all your followers. Twitter does not host links, pictures, videos, or anything else. Just text. However, since the Twitter community has realized the enormous potential Twitter has, they have developed an endless amount of 3rd party applications and services to support the Twitter culture. I have asked people on Twitter many times why Twitter does not have more features built-in, and I think it was only recently when I truly understood the answers I received then. Yes, Twitter can easily implement a RT functionality on its site, but the moment Twitter becomes more feature-packed and complex, is the moment Twitter loses its spot as the number 1 social network (I am talking in its awesomeness, not its numbers).
FOLSOM seo Searchability: This is yet another huge advantage Twitter has over other social networks. Tweets are searchable. This means you can find tweets about any topic that interests you, and participate in real-time quality dialog with people you do not know, from all around the world. More importantly though, if you intend to use Twitter for a very specific purpose, it is a completely trivial and seamless task to find people interested in the exact same purpose. If you are a blogger, search Twitter for the word “Blogger”, follow the people that show up in the results, and you have yourself a serious blogger network. It’s as easy as that.
FOLSOM seo Popularity: A very famous example is of course the famous Hudson river plane crash. The guy who took the picture of the plane put it on Twitter and had tens of thousands of views before the news even reached CNN. Twitter is a good replacement for traditional news and job placement sites, user and technical support forums, as well as many other things, depending on how you choose to use it.
FOLSOM seo Availability: By now, you should be convinced that Twitter is something worth trying. If you have not yet decided, this might help. Almost every site has a Twitter button, that when clicked, tweets whatever content you are looking at, and shares it with all the members of your Twitter network. So, for example, if you are watching a funny or interesting clip on YouTube, no more need to email the link or copy and paste the URL into your Facebook, you can now just click the Twitter button, and share the video with thousands of people instantaneously.
FOLSOM seo Flexibility: This is a very important characteristic of Twitter. However, this reason serves more of a support for the previous 4 and will not be the one to convince anyone to tweet. Twitter is a lot more flexible than any other social network. There are many desktop clients that enable you to access your Twitter, each in their own way. So, unlike Facebook for example, you can really use Twitter in any way you want. There is a hot debate about using Twitter for self promotion, but you can in theory use Twitter to build yourself a large personal network, find business partners, or just promote your business, whatever it might be. You can also use it to achieve many different goals. There are Twitter networks for pretty much everyone out there. Whether you are a real estate agent or a wine lover, a pilot or a doctor, a designer or a journalist, there is already a very developed Twitter community waiting for you to join them.
Join the FOLSOM SEO TEAM (WALIBU.COM) ---->> and get the maximum out of it, both on a personal and business level.
- I hAVE TO QUOTE THIS ARTICLE TO A MAN NAMED --->> Hillel = amazing : )
Social Media vs. SEO ??
the answer is NO!
SEO is by far more challenging then Social Media. Why ?
Social Media - any one that know how you use approved social networking sites can sell, set up, create, manage, "maybe not cross channel promote professionally", but the big picture is anyone can use a social networking site its laid out like this...... 1, 2, 3.
SEO - Hmmmmm let me think .....
“why does that site rank highly”.
Making the changes yourself and billing the client is by far the best option for all parties.
Bonus points are given to SEO’s who can create cool tools to add to client’s sites.
Web design
Being able to turn an old and outdated site design into something modern and linkable is a great way to kick start the SEO process.
Social media
Take the time to understand sites like Digg and StumbleUpon
“What about blogging?” or “What is a blog?”.
No matter how good at SEO you are unless you can convince a large client that you are credible you will not be able to land lucrative contracts.
Social Media has brought up some concearns for SEO
Depending on your approach to SEO..... you can still be in the SEO game for a long time !!! be smart about it, and dont listen to what everyone has to say on the internet, although I learn more here then in the newspaper now.
-------- " Today, everyone is a friend or a potential friend. Wow.
Add the quick hit of Google Adwords, Google Local 10 Pack, and a niche platform sites like Yelp (which Google is negotiating to buy for something like half-a-billion dollars, or maybe not.) Oodle and the upcoming Gowalla & FourSquare turf war (my bet’s on Gowalla) and with startups like SimpleGEO, there’s no doubt that the future of search will change. In fact, it already is. It has to. When you combine the search filter through the Social Graph and add GEO for recommendations, what you deliver are vetted results people will use and trust. Elegant. Simple. Completely awesome.
Stay tuned … " ------>>