Sunday, December 12, 2010

24 hour detox diet!

The following is the ultimate detox diet!

The folioing is proven recipe for the ultimate detox diet!
We provide you with a list of greens that you need to mix up and drink once an hour all day.

2 Pounds of spinach
2 Pounds of Ruccola
1 Bunch of Parsley
1 Bunch of fresh coriander
Filtered Water
Coffee or tea

Each mixture of this liquid drink is to be made fresh before consuming.
No solid food is allowed to be consumed within this 24 hour period
Coffee or tea can be consumed in the morning upon waking, again at mid-day, and a third time at early evening.

In the morning after your coffee or tea, mix in equal amounts the spinach, ruccola, parsley and coriander. Nothing else! Mix the herbs with water, and drink one large glass, repeat this every hour till you sleep.

The main result you will have is being in bathroom quit often. This is only natural. Your body is ridding itself of all body pollutants. Your kidneys are going to be very active, and your digestive system is going to be working very hard as well.

Go in the shower or if you have a sauna available to you then use that. While in the shower scrub your skin to rid other pollutants that are in your skin.

After the 24 hour period, you will feel very light, clean and refreshed. You can repeat this process about twice a month. 4 times a month consult with your doctor to see if its safe for you.

The detox diet is a great way to give you diet a head start. After this 24 hour process you will be lighter, no question about it.

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